Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Oscar Predictions Part Two: Sound categories

I am very very very grateful to have at last sparked a mini-debate on the previous post. Please keep the comments coming. So let's begin with round two the Pre-Oscar predictions. This time we will focus all those categories that have to do with sound.

Best Original Score
Micheal Clayton
The Kite Runner
3:11 to Yuma

Who Should Win: Based sheerly on the pure comic whimsy and uniquely French sounding score I would have to choose Ratatouille. I am glad that the academy choose to recognize 3:11 to Yuma, not only as it is a great western, but also sounds like one.

Who Will Win: It makes me mad to say this. However I think Atonement will win here. Why? Because its memorable. However, its also rather annoying. In the beginning the repeating of this inane noise takes us right out of the film. The whole time the score seems to be competing with the movie for attention. It will probably win simply because people wanted to talk about it.

Best Original Song
Falling Slowly, Once
That is How You Know, Enchanted
Happy Working Song, Enchanted
Raise it Up, August Rush
So Close, Enchanted

Who Should Win: I loved Once and I loved Enchanted in entirely different ways. However, as cutesy and fun as the songs from Enchanted are, I have to go with Falling Slowly. Falling Slowly is really, truly a timeless song. I can't resist using this forum to make note of the glaring omission of the the fantastic songs from Into the Wild.

Who Will Win: It is impossible to guess this category. If a song from a documentary, Three Six Mafia and Eminem can all be winners its very hard to say. However, in guessing I would say the winner is Falling Slowly. I say this for two reasons. One, there is strong feeling in the critical community that Once, alongside Into the Wild, where the two great films this year that didn't quite make into the mainstream in the way they should have. Also with all the songs from Enchanted competing against each other the vote will probably be split. Dreamgirls, anyone?

Sound Editing
The Bourne Ultimatem
There Will Be Blood

Who Should Win: Wow, has their ever been such a varied group of contenders in one category? Also there is the same question every year about the difference between sound editing and sound mixing. But the difference is that editing is the sound of the film, the gunshot, the loud showy special effects of the sound part. With that being said, a film with sound as subtle as There Will be Blood is surprising. This is after all the slot of the big budget movie and the musical. Why in a year with so very very many musicals are none honoured here? Anyway, it should go to There Will be Blood. It was rather bold of the academy to pick it and it certainly does have some powerful good sounds, but I think its just too subtle

Who Will Win: In normal year Transformers, but I don't think so this year. I think the prize is going to The Bourne Ultimatem. Afterall, its only popcorn movie on the Oscar list that is also a tellingly perfect comment on our society. What does that have to with sound? Nothing. But this category rarely goes to a winner actually based on sound. I don't know why that is. However The Bourne Ultimatem is certainly a worthy contender and as I said earlier it is one of the finer crafted technical pictures of the year

Sound Mixing
The Bourne Ultimatem
3:10 To Yuma
No Country For Old Men

Who Should Win: For its use of silence and then rapid passionate powerful sound I have to say No Country For Men. It is, to explain the difference, less about how the movie sounds and more about the sounds themselves fitting together to enhance the movie. It is like the best director of sound versus the best special effects. This being, of course, best director. It tends to be more subtle. Which you can't really tell from the odd selection of contenders this year.

Who Will Win: Many, many, many people have said the Transformers will win here. They say this mostly for emotional reasons. The sound mixer Kevin O'Connel has been nominated twenty times and has never won. Most people are calling it with him as the winner. But frankly I don't buy it. I really think No Country for Old Men will win here. Like pretty much everything in the movie, it is pitch perfect in way it sounds. I just don't see the academy passing up a chance to honour the sound mixers here. However, if Transformers wins, no real shock.

Thoughts, concerns...share! Thanks for reading. Acting awards tomorrow probably.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Again, haven't seen a lot of them so I can only comment on some. original song. You know....Falling Slowly was NOT my favorite song from that movie. It was nice....but it wasn't my personal favorite. I think for me I liked When Your Mind's Made up....or If You Want Me (but I think I've said that and you disagreed). You know I loved Enchanted....but Once should win...even though I personally like a different song. As far as everything else know that's completely not up my alley at all.