Friday, May 16, 2008

Thoughts on Speed Racer

Film is without a doubt an art form. However at its most basic level film is tricks with light. Like the vaudevillians of old, film was, first and foremost, a means of entertaining the masses. And more than any other film I have seen recently, Speed Racer is an unabashed celebration of the eye popping power of tricked up light schemes. Many of the complaints against the film seem to be from a feeling that the film is all style and no substance. But with this film style is substance and the Wachowski Brothers have crafted not exactly a profound piece of art, but a testament to the power of movies and to why most of us love movies in the first place. Speed Racer may not move us tears, it may not make profound social statements (though it does make a few), it may not change the course of film history, but it does something more simple that. It gives a wink and a nod to pure gee golly gosh entertainment and for that it ranks high my book. It feels good to be nine again. Full review of Speed Racer and Margot at the Wedding coming soon.

1 comment:

popcultureguy said...

I like that your reviews are from a real perspective and not pompous or snotty like other ones I've read. Some seem to forget that sometimes a movie is just supposed to be fun. I mean I don't think the brothers thought they were going to win the Oscar for best picture with this one, they just wanted to make a movie that would be fun to watch and bring back the kid in all of us.