Thursday, March 6, 2008

What is your favorite movie?

I wrote three fresh shiny new reviews and all of them where left on my Grandmother’s computer. So I will probably display them in a few months when I see her again. Sorry about that one.

Also to entice you to continue checking this blog I have decided to post a little something every day. Even if it’s just a question. Hold me to it people.

What is your favorite movie? I love to ask that question. I have heard answers ranging from The Triumph of the Wills (scary answer there) to The Notebook (not terrible, but seriously?) However, it’s never right to judge somebody by their favorite movie. You can make particular judgments about people’s general movie taste, but your favorite movie is very often based in no small part on life experiences. I don’t understand the appeal of The Dark Crystal and Labyrinth, but The Goonies and The Never-ending Story are to me like being a child again. Of course at the same time for some people favorite films are seen for the first time when you see a truly great cinematic masterpiece. For a good friend of mine it was 2001: A Space Odyssey and for another friend Godard’s Breathless. Well this question leads to no easy answer and I tend to spout off long lists. However all film criticism put aside, all knowledge of film on hold, all knowledge of screenplay on hold my favorite film is, and only slightly more so than Almost Famous, Say Anything. When Lloyd Dobbler raises that radio over his head and with his last life romantic bone in his body demands the love of his beloved, I can hear angels (channeling through Peter Gabriel of course.) So I pose this question to you, my lovely readers, all like three or four of you, what is yoru favorite movie and why? There are no wrong answers except in the case of Crash. See you tomorrow.


Mattie Lucas said...
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Mattie Lucas said...

Carl Dreyer's "The Passion of Joan of Arc."

Curiousityloko said...

Judging by reading your blog I fully expected you to say "Juno." Just kidding.

Although nice choice. Mel Gibson could have taken a few lessons from the film before making "The Passion of the Christ."

Thank you for reading by the way. I had no idea you read this blog. I wish more people would. Any advice?

Anonymous said...

The Princess Bride :)

Curiousityloko said...

I knew you were going to say that. Nice to see your comment